Dr. Supriya Bhutiani
Addl Director
Ass. Dean, Zone I, GTU
B.SC, M.B.A, Ph.D (Management)
Area: Marketing
Experience: 31years
Dr. Supriya Bhutiani works in the domain of Services Marketing, Retailing and Hospital and Health care Management. She is currently working as the Additional Director of Som Lalit Institute of Business Management (MBA) and also is the Associate dean of Management at GTU in the area of Management .She is on panel of various committees of the university like the UFM committee, the AIC/LIC committee and various other scrutiny committees. She is also has been the external examiner for Ph.D. candidates for GLS University. Dr. Bhutiani has over 29 years of experience in teaching, research, consultancy and Industry. She has authored multiple publications in international, national journals and co-authored book chapters. She has attended and presented numerous papers in national and international conferences; notable amongst them being at IIM-A. She has also conducted faculty development programs at the university level. She has also organised two conferences .She has under taken consultancy projects in the areas of corporate strategy, training, promotions and communication strategy in the services domain. Dr. Bhutiani has also worked on the tourism development project of Pavagadh as an expert resource for GTU. Her areas of research include the Services, Retail and Tourism sector. Prior to joining academics, she held responsible marketing positions at Fascel Ltd (currently Vodafone), Apple Industries and Gujarat Lease Financing Ltd.