The cultural club aims to organise various cultural events which helps students to connect with their cultural values, customs and traditions of our country. The cultural club gives a platform to students where they showcase their talent and they learn self-awareness, teamwork, collaboration, communication which will be helpful to them in moulding their personality. Apart from participating in the cultural events, the students also get experience of organizing and managing the events, and of course, it caters to the creative needs of the students.

The finance club aims to conduct various activities related to the domain of finance. Its goal is to make students learn from practically applying the various financial concepts learnt in the class. It involves a plethora of activities like Stock market games: creating virtual portfolios using live company prices; role play on activities related fund-raising and investment advising, wealth planning and banking. It also plans for students to visit MSME units to understand the manufacturing process of the unit and financial aspects. Expert lectures from the field of finance and Union Budget discussion and analysis is also an important part of the club.
The objective of social club is to support development of the students and motivate them to become socially responsible business leaders. The Club shall work with faculty, students, alumni and companies to promote sustainable society by integration of social values. It shall provide the students a platform to work for a cause. The club shall create an environment wherein the students will embrace responsibilities to serve the society.

The quest for knowledge is a quintessential part of the management discipline. The Quiz and Debate Club at our institute is an effort to satiate this need of the student fraternity at SLIMS. Quizzes and debates on a wide range of topics including but not confined to general knowledge,
the functional areas of marketing and finance, business environment in general etc. are held on a quarterly basis. The Quiz and Debate Club encourages the first year and second year MBA students to actively participate in organizing and conducting quizzes and debates and learn by sharing of knowledge therein.
The aim of this club is to discover the learnings in the classes and around with analytical and creative eyes. Currently, movies have become a big part of our lives and this club aims at creating a two-way learning- visual learning along with association of theoretical learnings and leisure learning. This club is dedicated to subject-wide film project presentations, educational movie workshops and is recognized in practical educational learning from varioussubjects. The purpose of this club is to have interaction and discussion bridging the gaps between shared learning and shared life. The movies screened focuses majorly on managerial skills.

Business analytics aims to shape the strategy for business through reliable, factual insight rather than intuition. The club aims to facilitate the learning of financial and statistical concepts using software. This will enable students to solve and present research-based problems effectively. The club focuses to conduct different activities for the enhancement of financial knowledge and investment etiquette for students.
Club on Entrepreneurship development and Economic Activities (CEDEA) is a club organises various programs for the development of Entrepreneurship among the students and moreover it conducts the Activities related to Economics to inculcate into the students the understanding regarding the micro as well as macro economics.

The Research Club [Insights]
The research club at Som-Lalit Institute of Management Studies has been formed to inculcate research-based activities among management students. This platform is given to students and faculty members to explore unlimited thoughts and ideas on current issues in all management areas. The research club also involves the academic fraternity in conducting various workshops, seminars, and conferences within the department as part of faculty extension activities.
The purpose of the club is to offer a platform to the students where they can share their ideas and opinions. Research Club will help in understanding the concept of how to conduct research on a certain topic and what are the right steps to achieve desired results. It aims to foster research activities for project dissertations, use of library e-resources, publish articles, and present research projects.